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En Existencia
Autor : Kryger, Meir H.
Materia : E-books
Editorial : ELSEVIER
Año : 2011
Idioma : Inglés
ISBN : 9781455712717
Paginas : 288
Fecha de disponibilidad:
Kryger?s Sleep Medicine Review offers foolproof tips and guidance on the newly re-formatted Board exam so you can effectively prepare and get the best results. Dr. Meir Kryger-along with Drs. Russell Rosenberg, G. Vernon Pegram, and Lawrence Martin-present the distinct, practical teaching style of one of the founding fathers of sleep medicine to familiarize you with current standards, the new scoring rules, what to expect on the day of the exam, and more. Review questions, weighted to correspond with the content of the test, help you assess your readiness for the exam. With answers keyed to both Principles and Practices of Sleep Medicine and the Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine and video clips, polysmonograms, images, and additional review questions online at, you?ll have all the help you need to excel on the exam.