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Find the health career that?s right for you! Health Careers Today, 6th Edition offers a practical overview to help you make an informed decision in choosing a profession. Not only does this book discuss the roles and responsibilities of various occupations, it provides a solid foundation in the skills that each health career requires. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology provide essential knowledge of the human body and show how A&P applies to different careers. From experienced educator Judith Gerdin, this edition adds three new chapters, and an Evolve companion website includes new health career videos, animations, exercises, and more.
- A clear, easy-to-read approach makes it easy to explore and understand health career options.
- Over 45 health careers are discussed, including the requirements and roles and responsibilities of each.
- Full-color photographs, drawings, and design illustrate concepts, techniques, and equipment.
- Anatomy and Physiology unit covers all of the body systems, and applies A&P to various career settings.
- Skill Activities provide the opportunity to obtain hands-on experience.
- Review questions and critical thinking questions in each chapter allow you to test your understanding of what you?ve learned.
- Brain Bytes reinforce concepts and keep you engaged in the material.
- Health Careers in Practice boxes show working professionals in many health careers, featuring personal stories that you can relate to.
- Objectives and Key Terms at the beginning of each chapter focus on the key information to be learned.
- Chapter summaries make it easy to identify and review key content.
- Updated National Health Care Skills Standards are summarized with the specific number and name of each national standard covered in that chapter, along with page references.
- A glossary includes all key terms and definitions for quick reference.
- Evolve website provides exercises, new career videos, animations, and competency skill sheets for further information, review, and practice.
- A workbook corresponds to the chapters in the textbook, and features learning activities such as vocabulary practice exercises, medical abbreviation practice exercises, coloring/labeling activities, concept application exercises, laboratory exercises, critical thinking exercises, and online activities. Sold separately.
- NEW! Three new chapters on professionalism, medical mathematics, and medical terminology provide a firm foundation in health care basics.
- NEW CPR guidelines meet the 2015 guidelines for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- NEW! Employment strategies have been added to emphasize the skills necessary for retaining a job.
- NEW! Updated and expanded EHR information reflects the increased role of the electronic health record in health care.
- NEW! Expanded Culture and Health Care chapter prepares you to care for patients from other cultures and to address cultural differences safely and tactfully.
- NEW! Coverage of informatics and technology addresses this growing health care career.
- NEW! Career videos on the Evolve companion website showcase professionals discussing their health care career choices.