En Existencia
Autor : Leslie, Kevin O.
Materia : E-books
Editorial : ELSEVIER
Año : 2017
Edición : 3
Idioma : Inglés
ISBN : 9780323442886
Paginas : 864
Fecha de disponibilidad:
Part of the in-depth and practical Pattern Recognition series, Practical Pulmonary Pathology, 3rd Edition, helps you accurately identify and interpret neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lungs by using a pattern-based approach. Leading diagnosticians in pulmonary pathology guide you from a histological pattern, through the appropriate work-up, around the pitfalls, and to the best diagnosis. Superb, full-color illustrations capture key pathological patterns for a full range of common and rare conditions, and a "visual index"at the beginning of the book directs you to the exact location of in-depth diagnostic guidance.
A user-friendly design color-codes patterns to specific entities, and key points are summarized in tables, charts, and graphs so you can quickly and easily find what you are looking for.