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En Existencia
Autor : Raftery, Andrew T
Materia : E-books
Editorial : ELSEVIER
Año : 2017
Edición : 3
Idioma : Inglés
ISBN : 9780702069086
Paginas : 536
Fecha de disponibilidad:
This is a concise revision guide to the core basic sciences for all surgical trainees preparing for Part A of the Intercollegiate MRCS examination. Covering anatomy, physiology and pathology it has been written in a style to facilitate easy learning of the essential facts, with indications of both their clinical relevance and importance. This book concentrates on those topics which tend to be recurring examination themes for initial surgical training. It will be an invaluable resource for the basic surgical trainee as well as proving useful for those in higher surgical training and for the surgically-inclined, well-motivated student.